2019 “A League of Their Own” FAQs and Floor Plans
a. It’s FREE to our member leagues with NO fees whatsoever
b. If you choose to charge your members or reserve this for select members, that is up to you
NO! ALL of the food and wine and water will be provided gratis for both the June and July receptions!
It’s NOT an AAA juried show, so each league monitors their own members’ quality of work that will represent them to all the leagues and public
a. YES! Art that was entered/displayed in previous AAA juried shows can be shown in this show
b. Art in this show is NOT considered juried and can be entered into future AAA juried shows
c. ANY art can be shown as long as it is up to your league standards and fits in the assigned space
a. Each league will have a display space approximately 15’ to 17’ wide and approximately 5‘ tall
b. art may be hung either salon or gallery-style, or a combination of the two – below is a schematic of a suggested hanging arrangement for you to consider as well as photos of last years’ walls as examples
c. some of the leagues marked out the wall dimensions on the ground and placed the art within for compatibility and fit so they could make the best of their space
d. alternatively, you may also do this on a computer with the dimensions of each finished piece
e. or, as some did last year, bring extra art and figure it out while you are there
a. NO! There is a MINIMUM of 6” horizontally between pieces for this show, and 3-4” vertically
b. League art will be best represented with enough space between the art to give each piece “breathing room” or “viewing room”
Holland has a vertical wire hanging system that is not conducive to displaying many small pieces of art. If you choose to show many or all of your pieces in small format, be aware that you alone will be responsible for purchasing plastic stick-on hangers (Command Strips) for all of your small art and hanging them
a. There is space for 3-D art, so the answer is “YES”! Please read the following carefully:
b. Each month there will be the two glass cases (20”w x 14”d x 72” h, with 4 glass shelves plus the bottom of the case) for small 3-D (jewelry, glass, ceramic, metal, wood, etc.) FOR ALL THE LEAGUES TO SHARE! (MUST reserve space with Kaz prior to installation)
c. Each month there will be 10 pedestals total (18”w x 18”d x 21” h) available for larger 3-D PER SHOW
d. A league MAY also bring in a few of their own pedestals (after RSVP’ing with Kaz)
e. Most leagues are 2-D, so if you wish to display 3-D please RSVP for it
NO! This is your baby, so all leagues will be responsible for getting their art there, hanging, and removing their art at the end of the show
b. JUNE show: May 31st installation from 9 AM – 2 PM (must be finished by 2 PM)
c. JUNE show PICKUP: June 28 from 8:30 -10 AM!
d. JULY show: June 28 installation from 9 AM – 2 PM (must be finished by 2 PM)
e. JULY show PICKUP: July 26 from 8:30-10 AM
a. JUNE: June 8th from 4:30-6:30
b. JULY: July 13th from 4:30-6:30
c. ALL the refreshments are provided, so come and Party!
a. Because this is not a juried AAA show, the short answer is No. However…
b. We are planning a friendly competition between the leagues — Consider it a People’s Choice Award, of sorts, for LEAGUES, NOT individual artists!
c. The reception attendees will vote for the leagues who they want to win the award each month
d. Full details will be forthcoming closer to the exhibition, as we put on our creative caps and create something FUN for you all!
YES! And each league is responsible for making and affixing tags for each art piece (2.5 x 3.5”). Information needed: title, artist, medium, price.
a. It is up to each league/artist to supply their own name badges, although not required
b. At receptions, name badges facilitate buyers engaging in conversation with you, attendees identifying you, and meeting new people
a. Holland Gallery handles the art sales and will pay the artists after the end of the show
b. Holland retains 20% of the sale, but NO tax is charged
c. Buyers may take the art out upon purchase
a. No. Once the art is installed, it is there for the month (unless purchased)
b. If a piece is purchased and removed, the league MAY opt to bring a piece to replace it of the SAME size to fit into the SAME spot; no changing the rest of the display after initial installation
c. New paperwork must be filled out and coordinated with Holland Gallery
a. That is strictly up to each league (normally, Holland Gallery requires a minimum of $175/piece to whatever, but it is waived for this show)
b. Each league needs to take into consideration that even though this is not a juried show by AAA, it is still a Fine Art Show and the pieces displayed should reflect the quality of the artists and leagues
c. Remember that the attendees are voting on the People’s Choice Award for a League during each show!
a. YES! NEW this year, artists may bring a small table to sit behind during their reception to demo and/or sell small items; these will be in the hallway as space permits
b. You MUST arrange a spot with Kaz to do this prior to each artist reception!
Each League will be asked to provide a sign to identify their group’s artwork with the League’s Name printed on it. For consistency, each sign must be printed on black PVC, 8 inches high, with 4-inch Helvetica Condensed font. The length of the sign and cost will depend on the length of your League Name. (A 4-foot long sign would cost about $60, an 8-foot sign about $91. We suggest you use Fast Sign.) These signs are yours to keep.
a. A specific sign for your league is required that will mount above your space at each league cost
b. The sign is yours to keep and use for any of your events as it is weatherproof and durable; you can see the signs above each league in the photos below
c. Leagues who exhibited in last summer’s show already have their signs and should re-use them
Wall 1 – Mountain Artists – Prescott
Wall 2 – WestBrook Village
Wall 3 – WHAM
Wall 4 – Tempe Artists Guild
Wall 5 – Artists of the Superstitions
Wall 6 – AZ Watercolor
Wall 7 – Sonoran
Wall 8 – Desert Sage
Wall 9 – PAG (Phoenix Artists Guild) (1/2 HALL)
Wall 1 – Laveen
Wall 2 – Scottsdale
Wall 3 – Mesa
Wall 4 – Vanguard
Wall 5 – North East Valley Artists League
Wall 6 – Wickenburg
Wall 7 – -AAG (AZ Artists Guild)
Wall 8 – Desert Artists
Wall 9 – CAA/PCA (Phx Center for Arts) (1/2 Hall)
Wall 10 – San Tan