Get Juried
Get Juried Now!
This process is for artists who wish to obtain juried status with the Arizona Art Alliance. Juried status provides you with a discounted fee into most Exhibits and priority into exclusive shows sponsored by the Alliance. Please review the FAQ’s below before starting the process.
Are you a member of one of the art groups listed on the Membership page of this website?
You must be a current paid member in order to proceed with this process.
Which art category will you be applying for?
There are FOUR categories and each category contains several mediums. Each of the four categories listed require a separate set of images and an additional fee. Each medium within a category does NOT require a separate application.(a) 2D – Pastel, pencil, graphite, ink, charcoal, scratchboard (all work that is done utilizing a drawing mechanism)
(b) 2D – Oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media (all work that is done utilizing a brush, palette knife, or 2D assemblage/collage materials)
(c) 2D – Computer art, digital photography, traditional photography, digital art
(d) 3D – Glass, wood, gourds, pottery, jewelry and sculpture
Do you want to know what the JURORS will be looking for when they evaluate your work?
All art will be evaluated by more than one juror and he/she will be scoring each piece using six criteria: Composition, Rhythm, Logic, Handling of Medium, Imagination/Originality and Overall Impact/Merits of Presentation. Take a good look at your art – are you ready?? -
Have you decided on the 3 highest quality art pieces to show for jurying?
Images of your artwork must be 300 dpi JPEG without frames, matting, pedestals, or any distracting background in the image. Make sure the images all fit ONE category (see #2 above). Take note of where your images are located on your computer or phone gallery so you can find them easily before starting the process. The images can be those already sold or those currently available for sale. -
Do you have a credit card or debit card out and ready to make payment?
You must pay on-line in the secure environment developed for this process. No checks are accepted. -
How much time will it take to process my application and how will I be notified?
Please allow 3-6 weeks for the jurying process. Depending on availability of the jurors, holidays and where you are in the line up of applications, this process can take some time. You will be notified by email or letter of your status and will receive a paper certificate if awarded juried status.